Data logger – Climatica & EWS


Weather data logging of Instromet sensor outputs made easy. Our data logger is designed for used with a Climatica as well as the EWS weather station. The logger allows you to live stream all your weather sensor data onto your PC. You can also record this information for your historical records. This data can then be viewed as a listed data presentation, as a monthly summary and in graphical format. The data can also be linked to a website to share with other users.

This is where the weather data is stored logging weather information for weather analysis.
Data logger PCB for Instromet Climatica & EWS weather stations

Data logger software

We recommend using the extensive and easy to use weather monitoring software Cumulus MX. We use SandaySoft made software for connection with Instromet’s latest Data logger. For further details about using Cumulus please click the following link: Cumulus FAQ and to download Cumulus MX please click the following link: Cumulus MX download

Graphic example of wind speed data which can be displayed on weather websites and  online weather sites.
An Instromet data logger showing Cumulus software, graphing wind gust & speed.

The data logger slots into the sensor box behind the existing sensor box PCB. Once in position the Data logger PCB plugs in to the other PCB via a four way connector.

RS232 protocols are available for users whom like to produce their own dedicated weather monitoring software.

Data logger optional extras

Although the Data logger comes with an RS232 output as standard, options are available for using it via USB. These options are listed below:

Close up of connection on weather data logger board.
USB Module – part number : 480 0000 150
Weather link cable.
RS232 to USB adaptor cable – part number : 489 0000 150

Data logger barometer

The following electronic barometer is available to extend your weather data logging. Note; This will be in addition to the weather stations standard fitted mechanical barometer. This PCB mounts directly to the rear of the sensor PCB and supplies the data logger with barometric pressure reading.

Electronic barometer board.
The Instromet data logger Barometer PCB : 480 1000 036/02
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