A weather station display with distinct styling and finish; the Instromet Atmos L series weather system. This is the next step up from the N series. Still with the ability to show wind speed and direction, temperature and rainfall, it expands on these with the inclusion of a barometer.
The Atmos Lmodel weather station is able to display the features as listed below:
Wind speed (selectable from MPH, MPS, KPH)
Wind direction via 8 compass point lights
Barometric pressure.
The Atmos LT; an Atmos L with the addition of an Instromet MWD (Multi Weather Display). The MWD fitted to the Atmos LT has the ability to display
Temperature (C/F switchable with Min/Max function)
Rainfall (mm/inc selectable, and accumulated display)
As well as time and date for reference.
The Atmos L model is sold as a complete system. Supplied with a display, junction box with plug in power supply unit as well as an Instromet basic wind sensor.
The Atmos LT model is also sold as a complete system. Supplied with a display, junction box with plug in power supply unit and an Instromet wind/temp sensor.
For an extended sensing range, a rainfall sensor can also be used with the LT model. Rain Sensor information
Atmos LT wind speed indicator
Atmos L & LT Weather Station Technical Specification
Wind Direction: L & LT 8 x Light Emitting Diodes (LED)
Temperature:LT model only – Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) scale in °C or °F selectable by push-button on display case side. Range: -40°C to + 50°C (-40°F to + 120°F) resolution 0.1°C.
Display Case: 305 mm long x 180 mm high x 60 mm deep.